
Masterful Finger-Picking: Gareth Pearson - Cold Comfort (Solo Guitar)

Lidane10/04/2013 11:46:59 pm PDT

re: #106 The Mountain That Blogs

This. I couldn’t care less about the pandacam. Let me know when the CDC is functioning again.


I don’t give a damn that the Grand Canyon and the pandacam are closed. I care about the fact that FEMA is going to be at barebones levels during a hurricane. I care about the fact that the CDC can’t track disease outbreaks, and the FDA can’t inspect anything being imported to the US and Immigration isn’t doing any E-Verify checks right now, which slows down new job hires since a lot of businesses rely on E-Verify in their hiring process.

All this “Obummer doesn’t care about vets becuz teh WW2 Memorial iz closed!” bullshit is truly manipulative and stupid when programs that actually help veterans are being directly affected. It’s totally manufactured outrage aimed at the dumb and easily led.