
Seth Meyers Continues Skewering the Trump Horror: Fox News Showers Trump With Praise, Obsesses Over Hillary

Citizen K10/27/2017 7:56:05 am PDT

re: #106 JordanRules

Every platform had the same problems as Twitter this election, even the old
media ones.

Twitter has helped marginalized people get a voice and access.

All the new media platforms have a lot to clean up and learn. America has Nazis. You might have shit in your own family you need to help clean up.

I mean the problem doesn’t just seem to be that Twitter is taking too soft a hand with Nazis and the like. It’s that they seem to be actively coddling them and supporting them too. Twitter as a company seems to have far too many fellow travelers than is comfortable. Once again, at some point, it’s not laziness or fecklessness, but active complicity.