
Full Video: 60 Minutes' Lesley Stahl Interviews the Narcissist in Chief

No Malarkey!10/14/2018 10:28:05 pm PDT

re: #27 Blind Frog Belly White

Hey, Stalin was very useful as an ally against Hitler. Just not afterwards.

I can live with Boot and Nichols and Rubin, because they’re just wrong about everything, rather than being fucking Nazis. I miss the days when Republicans were just wrong about everything.

My theory is it kind of comes with their success. Over the last few decades they have had so much success redistributing wealth to the 1%, that to keep pushing it even further, as their donors demand, they have to go to greater extremes to keep their base angry and scared enough to keep voting for more tax cuts for the rich and lower incomes for everyone else, to the point that they are now basically fascists. They can’t admit that a civilized country needs an equitable healthcare system or breathable air or that corporations have obligations that go beyond maximizing their share price in the next quarterly report, because that would mean their donors would have to fork over some dough to help make those things happen.