
Another Oil Platform Explodes in the Gulf

webevintage9/02/2010 11:55:40 am PDT

re: #91

That sounds EXACTLY like me, every bit of it.
Except I don’t mind a driving trip.
Unless it’s across Texas - there doesn’t seem to be much of anything after you pass up San Antonio.

I’ll be glad when they finally get us those transporters we were promised.

Each time a pet dies I promise myself we will not get another…but something always happens. A stray comes by and I can’t turn them away. One of our dogs died last year and even though I was sad I did have a bit of “One down 5 to go” then a cat had kittens under the house and then moved the rest of the kitties and left one behind and well, what are you gonna do?
Earlier this summer a neighbor moved and left their damn cat behind and now he lives at my house outside until I can save up enough money to get him fixed.
We are back to 4 cats and 3 dogs.