
Mississippi Gov. Refuses to Condemn KKK License Plate

Talking Point Detective2/16/2011 10:30:10 am PST

re: #92 HappyWarrior

Romney has a better chance than Huntsman who will no doubt be derided for serving in Obama’s administration. Plus his actions as governor will lead him to be derided as a RINO. I for one hope Huntsman stays true to himself and does not do what Romney did three-four years ago and totally abandon everything he stood for as governor. Remember Romney was a moderate as governor of Massachusets and at least one of his judicial picks affirmed the pro gay marriage ruling there. I actually think Romney will start out strong in the primaries but struggle since candidates like Palin, Huckabee, and otehrs will play the populist card which will work in many states.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing if Huntsman sells out to the lunatic fringe sizable extremist element in the Republican Party. Should make for good entertainment value.