
Vetting Themselves: Breitbart Gang in Yet Another Ridiculously Massive Fail

moderatelyradicalliberal5/23/2012 5:22:00 pm PDT

re: #79 palomino

You’re right, and the whole idea that Obama is the most divisive president in history is of a piece with this kind of commentary.

Obama hardly ever even talks about race, and on those rare occasions when he does it’s usually to say something pretty tepid, like “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

The real divisiveness is another RW fantasy and motivated by the mere fact that Obama is PWB, President while Black. (and Muslim, Kenyan, etc.)

The point of racism is that you don’t have to make judgements on behavior and character, you just make judgements about people living and breathing while black. His blackness is what agitates them, nothing he has actually said or done. Smart people get this, but half the country is stupid.