
In Which I Agree With

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/03/2012 5:51:01 pm PDT

re: #91 erik_t

Lead-206 (the final decay product) isn’t a very typical isotope, as far as I know. I have little doubt that, with a sufficiently high-grade lab, that such could be detected if Arafat had been so poisoned. Where the chain of plausibility breaks down, IMHO, is subjecting his remains to such careful labwork in the first place. Why bother? He’s not the Higgs Boson ferchrissakes.

And then there is the other issue that if Suha had the clothing all this time, polonium could have been introduced at any time after his death. This is a family that had billions of aid dollars in their own Swiss Bank accounts. They are not honest people to say the least.

My gut feeling is that it is a pure propaganda stunt with a high non-zero chance of the Arafat hangers on trying to make a desperate bid for relevance.