
Overnight Open Thread

Red Pencil5/26/2009 10:02:56 am PDT

Orfannkyl submitted a link on Sotomayor & guns which —- IF TRUE —- is a little scary in terms of how this woman reads a constitution. According to this link, which —- please take with some salt, I have not confirmed elsewhere ——:

Sotomayor is a graduate from Princeton University, where her legal theses included Race in the American Classroom, and Undying Injustice: American “Exceptionalism” and Permanent Bigotry, and Deadly Obsession: American Gun Culture. In this text, the student Sotomayor explained that the Second Amendment to the Constitution did not actually afford individual citizens the right to bear arms, but only duly conferred organizations, like the military. Instead of making guns illegal, she argues that they have been illegal for individuals to own since the passing of the Bill of Rights.

[here’s linky, may have posted without, sorry]

sotomayor on gun ownership
If —- IF—- she actually wrote such a thing with a straight face, and still defends it and doesn’t dismiss it as a “youthful indiscretion” —- it IS possible she DID write this once but has matured, some people do —- she should not be permitted to serve as a judge in traffic court.