
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

McSpiff11/18/2009 9:40:57 pm PST

re: #1077 wozzablog

Justice is relative - not absolute in many circumstances.

Absolute justice is someone tried and convicted in a full trial with a jury, a competent defence attorney apprised of all the evidence, abillity to call witnesses, an (innocent) defendent who has been treated humanely all the way through - and after sentence guilty or innocent. A verdict is given on the balance of the evidence.

Justice in a military tribunal on the other hand is like sex behind a night club - quick dirty and not 100% satisfactory.

Not to be confusing military tribunals with courts marshall which serve good purpose in providing adequate justice under established and reasonably fair protocols.

The military tribunals held after World War II are some of the finest examples of military justice the world has ever seen. Well prepared for, well fought by all involve. To compare them to sex behind a night club is truly one of the most pitiful statements I’ve ever read. Go read a book.