
Video: Keith Olbermann: The Real Secret Behind Trump's Terrorism Plan

Amory Blaine9/20/2016 3:20:46 pm PDT

Jesus Fucking Christ, wtf is wrong with these assholes?

Under plan, free IDs would be for voting only

Gov. Scott Walker’s administration wants to stamp “voting purposes only” on the free IDs the state makes available, making it harder for people to use them to open bank accounts or prove their identity when they pick up their children from day care.

The Division of Motor Vehicles also wants the free IDs - born of voter fraud fears - to be cheapened in quality, with some fraud protections removed.

State officials believe the changes would prompt more people to pay for IDs that can be used more widely, thus increasing transportation funding by nearly $1 million over two years.

Because no one would lose an ID they only use once a year(or four).