
New From Olbermann: 40 Shady Things We Now Know About Trump and Russia

BeachDem5/24/2017 3:39:47 pm PDT

I don’t know anything about this Rep from Wisconsin, but I like his style:

“I just want to ask you,” Pocan said to DeVos, “would you send your kids to a school where they have 93 percent of the students aren’t English proficient and zero percent are math proficient?”

DeVos thanked the congressman for his question and mused for a moment on how nice it was that he’s from Wisconsin.

“I only have five minutes,” Pocan prompted DeVos.

She deflected, saying the charter schools experiment was begun by Democratic Milwaukee city councilwoman Polly Williams. Pocan replied that yes it was and the councilwoman is no longer living, but before she passed away, she declared the voucher program a failure that “failed to live up to its promises.”

This set off a tense back-and-forth before he gave up, saying, “I can see you’re not going to answer my question.”

Gah—Betsy DeVos is the worst of the worst.