
Fox News Gives Juan Williams a $2M Payoff

Tigger200510/21/2010 3:42:13 pm PDT

Sorry to go OT so soon, but wow, I got this e-mail from iUniverse advertising this fundie creationist cretin’s book about “taking our country back” and had to share it. This book is being marketed to Tea Partiers. Now why do ya think iUniverse thinks this book will find a receptive audience in the Tea Party?

Tea Party Members, Here is Your Call to Action!
Stirring new nonfiction urges silent majority to make their voices heard, spread God’s word

OTTSVILLE, Pa. – Mainstream media is full of dire warnings about the current economic crisis and the desperate need for a financial bailout. But what if America’s (and the world’s) problems stem from something much deeper than monetary malaise? What if what we really need is a worldwide “spiritual bailout”? In his persuasive new nonfiction, Gods “Literal” Plan of Creation – vs. – the Great Satan Generation of Viper (published by iUniverse), Jack Hall outlines the problems facing today’s world and presents a series of strategies for restoring a spiritually depleted society.

“If it appears as the genie of evil has escaped its vial it is because a misunderstanding of freedom has destroyed its oneness,” Hall asserts in his passionate cry to the Tea Party-minded members of the population in his compelling call to action. Identifying the liberal, progressive politics overtaking the country, according to Hall, Gods “Literal” Plan of Creation is just the beginning to an effective plan, one that includes ridding America of the scourge of immorality threatening to overtake the land.

Looking at the Bible as a figurative allegory for all of God’s creation, Hall points to the Scientific Age as the root of many of today’s problems. When the commonly accepted definition of creation was turned upside down with the introduction of the big bang theory, Satan was given a perfect opportunity to maximize his mission to adulterate freedom.

In just 13 concise chapters, Hall deftly portrays the devastating effects of secular, liberal practices throughout the centuries and how they serve to give Satan and his minions myriad opportunities to corrupt morality and turn, America, into a cesspool of hedonism. Realizing that free will allows us to make the choice to believe in evolution or creationism, Hall nonetheless is relentless in his passionate cry to fellow believers to spread his message, writing:

Join with me as we peruse of an age that has annulled the free will, placed the soul in isolation at the bottom of the foot, replaced creation with evolution, substitute natural law for scientific fact, assigned Big Bang to the vacated throne of God, and polluted the pure strain of freedom with the most vile and obscene acts ever to cross the human mind. Welcome to America where the nature of conflict as a quantum of opposing spheres presented God with concern from the beginning.

Discover how you can make a change in the inspiring pages of Jack Hall’s Gods “Literal” Plan of Creation – vs. – the Great Satan Generation of Viper.

About the Author

Jack Hall is a former teacher of American history and is the Freedom Foundation’s George Washington Teacher of the Year of Secondary Education. He is also the author of the well-received The Spiritron Sperm and Education: A 21st Century Primer.