
How Administration Officials Cried 'Terrorism' to Cover Up a Paperwork Error

CuriousLurker2/11/2014 5:08:01 pm PST

*stumbles in wild-eyed, hijab in disarray*

&^%##@#@#! Someone please just effing SHOOT ME RIGHT NOW. Gah!

I’ve been having issues for 2 weeks with a database that was driving me crazy because some records wouldn’t show up on the front end when I KNEW they existed because I could see them on the back end.

Double- and triple-chekced my PHP, db structure, queries. NOTHING—it was all correct, but the records still wouldn’t show up. I knew the db name & usernames were correct otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to connect, so W? T? F?

I finally decide to go to check the include that holds the info for the db connection, because why not? Nothing else is working. I open it. I see the name of the db & username… time slows down… stops… they’re the old names, which are exactly the same as the new names except for the first part. For example:

Old db: fubar07_foo123
New db: fubar_foo123

Old uname: fubar07_admin
New uname: fubar_admin

I realize that the old database still exists, so of course the credentials are working and the records form the new db won’t show—why should they when it’s not querying the new db?? I start *blinking*… smoke starts coming out of my ears… my eyes bulge out out… the vein in my forehead starts pounding… I feel like I’m gonna go all ‘splodey-headed at the realization that I missed something so freaking basic and it’s been confounding me for weeks… so I run over here in the hopes that… someone will just… shoot me and put me out of my misery…

*collapses on floor in hysterical, sobbing, heap*