
Poll: Virginia GOP Dominated by Nirthers

jcm8/05/2009 12:06:45 pm PDT

re: #67 opnion

Ask & you shall recieve , thank you.
That is a stunning amount of Democrats that believe that Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11 & did nothing.
In effect they believe that the President of the United States stood by & allowed 3,000 people to be slaughtered.
Lots of nuts reside on the Left.

Lot’s of people believe strange stuff.

You want a scary one?

Where does the government get its money anyway?

While 65 percent understand the government’s money is their taxpayer dollars at work, some 24 percent think the federal government has “plenty of its own money without using taxpayer dollars.”

¼ of REGISTERED VOTERS think the government has it’s own money.
Is it any wonder they vote for candidates who promise womb to tomb nanny state?