
Video: IDF Footage of the Gaza Flotilla Raid

Charles Johnson5/31/2010 10:05:32 am PDT

re: #93 darthstar

Your failure to take the “right side” puts you on the wrong side. Israel’s taking of the flotilla in international waters and the killing of several activists is sure to be condemned by the international community. Those here defending its actions will do so to the end. Those questioning the need to take military action on boats whose publicly stated mission was one of aid to Gaza will be accused of supporting terror.

This is an emotional, and not a rational, debate.

And I would say that it’s not rational at all to expect Israel to allow uninspected shipments into Gaza. Period. Have you forgotten how many ships full of weapons have been intercepted by Israel in the past?

All those guns, bullets, and explosives come in from somewhere. Israel is acting completely rationally to insist on controlling the ships that get into Gaza. Gaza is controlled by a terrorist group that openly calls for the destruction of Israel.