
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

iceweasel1/19/2010 9:53:24 pm PST

re: #1086 Bagua

Give it time Jimmah, see how things develop. The moonbats are in shock at the moment and the full horror of their losing their rule by suppository hasn’t fully sunk in yet, though we certainly saw some early anger tonight.

No, they really aren’t, Bagua.
And the genuine moonbats have been working against the HCR bill(s), and unseating Dems who support it— because it doesn’t go far enough for them. They don’t mind if that goal means seating Brown.

The question, raised by Nate Silver and others: Is Firedoglake trying to scare vulnerable Democrats into retirement in order to kill health care reform? All indications point to “yes.”

I realise this doesn’t fit the simplistic model of “My team good, other team bad!” but astute observers of politics know that while that thinking arouses the rabble, and they love it, reality is much more complicated than that.