
Will Obama Prosecute CIA Officials or Won't He?

Rexatosis4/22/2009 11:23:36 am PDT

POTUS Obama should give serious consideration to the precedent he and AG Holder would be setting by essentially criminalizing a policy difference between the left of the Democrat Party and right of the Republican Party over the methods used to fight the War on Terror (or “Overseas Contingency”). Any controversial decision made by the Obama Administration, regardless of the intentions, could possibly lead to criminal proceedings the next elected Administration deem such controversial decisions to be without “Constitutional” or “legal” merit. This does not bode well for the health of the Republic. We have enough problems getting good people to run for, or serve in, public offices as it is. Now with potential criminal proceedings based on policy disputes it will be near impossible to get anyone to sacrifice their time and possible liberty to serve. Secondly those who do serve or run for office will be loathe to make any decisions for fear of prosecution. A government of the people, by the people, for the people cannot function properly under such conditions. Failure of governance invariably leads to tyranny. This is a very serious matter and a supposed “Constitutional Law Professor” who knew history would know better. Just look at the fall of Rome, and Weimar.