
No Racism at the Tea Party?

Cineaste9/16/2009 11:01:26 pm PDT

The logic behind the racism charge is very, very clear.

In today’s society even the extreme racist is unlikely to utter true epithets. They know the social consequence is an immediate and total delegitimization so they find proxy statements to express the feeling. Obama never lived in Africa. He lived in Indonesia. He lived in Hawaii. He lived in Illinois. He lived in Massachusetts. Now think about these statements:

Go back to Hawaii.
Go back to Indonesia.
Go back to Illinois.
Go back to Massachusetts.
Go back to Africa.

Only one of them is not correct and thus would only be used for secondary meaning. That meaning has historically been invoked as a racist epithet. The present day racist can use Birtherism and statements like this under the phony veil of being an “issue” when in fact they are just being racist.

One more note. John McCain was born in Panama.

Go back to Panama?

A) Never heard it from anyone.
B) Doesn’t have the racist undertones.

If you don’t understand the racist implications of these words then you’re being deliberately obtuse.