
Colbert and Julian Assange of Wikileaks

Sionainn, Warrior Mother4/13/2010 6:36:20 pm PDT

re: #82 SanFranciscoZionist

I had a similar experience with Soros.

Code Pink is a small, Berkeley-based (well, Albany until they sold the cottage) organization. They’re mostly older hippie ladies, of the less nice kind, who protest stuff the United States and Israel do, typical knee-jerk left-wing causes, and do a lot of actions and street theater around their pet ‘things’. They are led by Medea Benjamin, and like to dress up. They also spend a lot of time demonstrating in front of Nancy Pelosi’s house in SF, since it’s nearby and in a nice neighborhood.

They have approximately the political influence of the East Wichita Humane Society, but they do show up at lots of events, are colorful and easy to spot, and were readily made the face of the eeevil left during the height of the anti-war movement.

They’re unpleasant as hell, arrogant, naive, also anti-Semites, but they are often attributed a power well beyond them by people who seem to think they have a voice in the Democratic party.

I’m really not familiar with them, either. Are they the group that people on the right pull pictures of to show all the nasty things that were said about Bush in order to justify tea party signs?