
No Racism at the Tea Party?

mjwsatx9/17/2009 9:25:37 am PDT

Are we not supposed to have any nutroots on our side? OK Charles - I’m angry about it. I agree that it makes the conservative case look bad. But so what? There will always be nuts on both the right and the left. This is the nature of the world we live in. Don’t fall into the utopian trap. I predict that the angrier people become with Obama’s leadership - or lack thereof - the more right-wing nuts will crawl out of the woodwork. There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it other then to remind the other side that they have plenty of kooks of their own.

Obama was supposed to be a uniter - remember? Fine job he’s doing by telling the right to shut up and get out of the way. This kind of thing pisses people off.

Human nature. What a disappointment.

Mike ///\/\/\///