
Gingrich Now Blames MSNBC for Right Wing Backlash Over Mandela

Birth Control Works12/09/2013 1:44:36 pm PST

re: #107 GeneJockey

Looked at the other way, we’re Number 2! If we try really hard, we can make it to Number 1!!

To be clear, this data only reflects developed countries; it tells us nothing about how children in the United States or Europe compare to, for example, children in sub-Saharan Africa. But looking at how developed economies compare can help give us a rough approximation of how these countries are doing at child welfare. And UNICEF is using its own “poverty line” here; the more typical international definition is a family that lives on less than $1.25 or $2 per day. Almost no Americans qualify for this definition. Internally, the United States defines the poverty line as a family living on less than about $22,000 per year, which includes about 15 percent of Americans.

so it’s ok then