
Pathetic Video of the Day: Some of Donald Trump's Best Friends Are Black

Yeah Sure WhatEVs4/04/2016 6:35:02 pm PDT

re: #76 BeachDem

I’ve stayed on Bernie’s email list just to see what’s going on, but the emails are getting more obnoxious and sanctimonious every day. The ones about the GEORGE CLOONEY fundraiser were ridiculous. And there’s a never ending stream of “Hillary’s having a fundraiser where bundlers are raising $27,000” (which amounts to 10 people) and we, the humble, honest folks are only asking you for $27 (or $250 or whatever amount you want to give) about 10 times a day.

Good luck getting off his list. I don’t know how I got on but I really want Bernie and all the Bernie emails to go away.