
Colbert: Is It Okay to Say the 'D' Word About Trump Yet?

Dr Lizardo12/03/2017 1:31:16 am PST

re: #105 Anymouse 🌹

Unless the GOP sees a bloodbath coming in the polls (see VA and OK for previews of that). Then it will be just like Nixon (get him out before he ruins us).

That’s why the upcoming Alabama Senatorial election may prove to be of importance; ordinarily, I’d totally write it off as an R win. But if…..and that’s a big “if”, naturally…..if Jones can pull off a victory, the GOP might interpret that as a foreshock of a coming earthquake.

What the GOP’s internal polling looks like by, let’s say, late next spring, when primary season begins in earnest, is impossible to foretell of course. But if it really does look bad - and I mean hair-on-fire “OMG we’re gonna get demolished!!” bad - then there’s a possibility the GOP may well start to turn against him because if the internals are bad, really bad, then Trump has become an albatross around their necks and they’ll try to frantically distance themselves from him (while simultaneously trying not to alienate the Trumpista base, LOL).