
Major Science Organizations Send Letter to US Senate on Climate Change

Velvet Elvis10/22/2009 1:36:31 pm PDT

re: #74 fish

And that was just the debate here where the vast majority of people AGREE that Climate Change is man made and want to fix it. Is it really any wonder nothing has been done about this?

That’s why I’m increasingly inclined to believe that nothing is going to be done on this unless it’s crammed down peoples’ throats. Conservationists will take no answer other than cutting your power use and riding bikes everywhere. The only acceptable solution for them is to cut the demand for energy, not to change how we make it. Everyone must drasticly change their lifestyles. That’s what we’ve got on the far left. One the right we’ve got denial that there’s even a problem so the net result is nobody wants to come up with a way to cleanly meet the current demand for energy.

The far left is going to have to have nuclear power shoved down their throats by somebody sane in government and people on the right will have to concede there’s a problem in the first place.