
By Focusing Only on Muslims, King's Agenda is Clear

haavamaal3/11/2011 11:36:32 am PST

I agree that singling out the Muslim Extremist and forgoing the other extremists is a mistake, but the only current consistent threat is from Muslim extremists.

One thing that disturbs me about the posts here today are that they are so slanted toward the “right wing” extremists. The fact of the matter is there are dangerous extremists on BOTH sides. As a country we are so polarized that its hard to have a meaningful dialog on extremist threats. Apparently you have to pick a group to offend.

Take the union nonsense in Wisconsin. Are you going to tell me that the “left wing” union extremists aren’t dangerous? Have you read the death threats they have made? I work for a State, and I know that my net income from this job is going to drop for the next biennium due to budget cuts that my state is going to be forced to make. Just like any employer they have a choice they can cut costs in a variety of ways. From a personnel standpoint they can lay people off or make the employee pay more for benefits. Frankly, I have great benefits and don’t mind paying for them.

From an employee standpoint if my employer (the State) does not provide the compensation that I am satisfied with I can always move to another employer of spend more time with my personal endeavors.