
David Horowitz Dumps Alex Knepper for Dissing Coulter

Gus7/11/2010 4:18:54 pm PDT

re: #91 iceweasel

I’d disagree with that. Only barely did he do so. i at least haven’t been surprised by anything he’s done, including the things I disagree with. And I voted for him and campaigned for him.

Anyway, ymmv. There were definitely hysterics on the left who believed for no reason at all that he would be superman, and scared people on the right who bought the MoSt RaDiCally RaDiCal LeftY ever line. It was hard to cut through all the noise. Such is modern politics in America.

What happens is that people confuse opposition research from both sides. This would be true with Obama as well as McCain during the 2008 campaign. With regards to Obama the opposition research included the never ending association with William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. This while ignoring Obama’s hawkish rhetoric with regards to Afghanistan and the Pakistan. So when you would actually “sit down” with Obama during the campaign you would find a different person then one characterized by the McCain camp.

This is reversible with both candidates and parties. But it’s certainly true that Obama is not as left as the right thought (although there still seems to be a large number of doubters remaining) and too right as far as the many on the left and Firebaggers are concerned.