
FBI Investigating Rupert Murdoch's News Corp

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/14/2011 1:07:50 pm PDT

re: #91 Fozzie Bear

But doesn’t this just mean that the inoculated right-wing base has little chance of understanding that they have been played, thus making some kind of mass catharsis on the right impossible?

I would say so. But I can tell you from my own experience this will cause enough serious cognitive dissonance to shake a lot of people — how many is impossible to say. When I was younger I had no idea I was going to have a crisis of faith by age 20, but this was during the televangelist scandals years. I was in a literal hotbed of the stuff and much of these same ideas that are just now making the news were the norm.

Now, for me, I clung to the beliefs even harder at first, especially the antigay beliefs — there was a lot at stake personally to do so. But after those scandals happening on such a huge scale and so many people coming to terms with having literally been bilked, one is forced to either confront the lies you have been told for 2 decades, or not. Like you say, too, a lot will choose not to.

That’s just a personal view but I know a lot of people are turned off/disappointed by Esther/Palin and with Fox being so publicly questioned….who knows the effects. All I can say is, wait a few years.