
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Guanxi8811/18/2009 9:49:34 pm PST

re: #1114 LudwigVanQuixote

No, you are the one who is obnoxious.

Care to think a moment about what it was your grandfather was fighting for. Mine was pretty clear to me about it.

He was fighting to kill the fucking people who were trying to kill him. That’s it. He didn’t walk around misty-eyed, as you seem to be, thinking of these high-sounding ideals to explain why he was shooting prisoners in the back of the head and dumping them in a ditch, or why he was beating the brains out of an Imperial Japanese soldier with a piece of coral in the middle of the night, or why he was twisting a bayonet into a German’s belly in a pouring rainstorm. He did it to kill the people who wanted to kill him.

And that makes him a criminal in your estimation.