
Joe the Plumber Speaks Out Against 'Queers'

American Sabra5/05/2009 1:05:17 pm PDT

re: #1122 buzzsawmonkey

There’s a few things I wanted to say, but I don’t want to belabour each and every point.

Have you ever heard say “men are pigs?” Now before every man on this board starts to throw something at me, men usually like sexual deviation and perversion a lot more than women (point wonderfully made by funky chicken). Whatever it is, sexually healthy or not healthy, men will generally try just about everything. Yes, I know gay men who try to “make” straight men. In fact, one friend of mine pretty much exclusively dated “straight men” or rather men who had families and children who lived this secret life. This is nothing new and I suspect has been happening since the species has been procreating. Needless to say, what does that say of the straight men in the first place? It says, “Men are pigs.” Straight or gay is beside the point.