
Seth Meyers Breaks It Down: Senate Trumpcare Would Leave 22 Million More Uninsured

Interesting Times6/27/2017 7:51:23 am PDT

re: #111 ObserverArt

How about those baby names?!

Come on. Itā€™s bad enough. Do we need to go full horror show?

Geezā€¦doom and gloom. Doom. And. Gloom.


For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m reading it more as gallows humor.

In terms of the broader conversation, there are two conditions required to prevent the doomer/gloomer scenarios from coming true:

1) overturning voter suppression laws and/or helping people overcome them by helping them get IDs, etc

2) getting people who arenā€™t particularly affected by voter suppression laws but choose not to vote to bloody well show up for a change