
Donald Trump Removes the Judicial Branch From the "Our Government" Section of the White House Website

Citizen K1/29/2017 9:05:49 pm PST

re: #15 weave

Ah comment on this article on Redstate….

Ah yes — the people who think they own the Constitution and are always whining about judges need to be strict Constitutionalists - and don’t understand that it applies to all people here, not just citizens.

Who’s Coordinating Airport Protests And Litigation Resulting In Three Courts Temporally Restraining Trump’s Extreme Vetting Order?

I would love to note one thing: The Constitution grants rights to EVERYONE in this country unless explicitly stated that 1) a transgression might withdraw said rights from you, or 2) reserves those rights to specifically citizens (and I believe the only time it mentions citizens specifically in regards to rights is in terms of voting).