
Michele Bachmann's Iowa Co-Chairman Endorses Ron Paul

Vicious Babushka12/28/2011 8:31:34 pm PST

Hi Lizardia!

It took FOUR FREAKIN HOURS from the time we got off the I-80 in New Jersey until we finally made it to our temp apartment in Brooklyn. FOUR FREAKIN HOURS which is longer than it took to drive all the way across Ohio, including a detour for lunch in Cleveland.

Driving the I-80 is not fun.

When finally got unpacked and logged on to Teh Intertubes, found an email inviting The Babushka as a guest to the Zev Brenner talk show, because of this blog post. I said I would have to think it over.

Any NY lizards ever listen to the Zev Brenner show? Is he a wingnut?