
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/20/2009 3:36:32 pm PDT

re: #1140 Dianna

How do we know that?

He’s supplied some good links. But…I’m not a climatologist, but I do know statistics, and the NOAA site has some issues on the statistical front. Modeling isn’t all that advanced, and we all know it. And he’s using the term “ecocollapse”, which is, frankly, a propagandist’s term.

Evidence of his being/not being a propagandist is mixed.

I have shown you links to the pages of the groups that actually run the models and explain their operation. This is complete with the outputs that match observed data.

What, we all know issues with the models? And what issues are those…

As to eco collapse, what do you call a situation where there are mass extinctions and not enough food or clean water. That really is what is coming. Shall I call it something else?

Ok the situation is very dire.

It is wrath of G-d bad.

it is not propaganda to point out that a gun pointed at your head is a very bad thing. You have been given more than sufficient evidence to look at. LOOK AT IT.