
David Duke Gets Out the Racist Vote for Donald Trump

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/25/2016 12:15:35 pm PST

Trump rulz the land of retirees:

Polls: Donald Trump the overwhelming Republican presidential favorite in Florida

Trounces. Crushes. Pummels. Pick a dramatic action verb: This is what Donald Trump does to Marco Rubio in Florida, according to a new presidential poll that shows Trump is more popular than he’s ever been in Rubio’s home state.

The survey, by Quinnipiac University, shows Trump leading Rubio 44-28 percent less than three weeks before Florida’s March 15 primary. And voters — tens of thousands of them — are already casting ballots by mail, which leaves Rubio very little time to make up the deficit against the Republican front-runner.
