
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

jcw462/09/2009 7:00:03 am PST

re: #12 Big Steve

Does anyone see the connection between Williamson’s “need” for more evidence and creationists need for more evidence before accepting evolution? I am not trying to make light of the holocaust by comparing it to a current debate, it just seems to be a form of the same reasoning. Once one has a set “belief”, facts are just not persuasive.

I find it repugnant that you would make a specious argument for the equivalency of the creationist’s need for more evidence of random evolution with the arrogant statements of a holocaust denier is itself an indication of evolution being your “belief” and thus to you all other beliefs must be heresy and like all heretical believers and statements must be denied and derided. According to your “argument” then anyone wishing for further inquiry regarding the negation of a firmly and faithfully based belief is the equivalent of Williamson’s blatant pose of “weighing the evidence”. He stated at the outset he would not recant. His further statements are meant only to placate the Vatican (a power he apparently respects). His being slowly pushed off his position only proves that the Pope was correct in bringing him back into the church. On the outside he was a focal point and magnet for others of his ilk. Allowing him back now dilutes his influence and lets the church exert more say in what and where and to whom he speaks to.