
Dead Monitor Open Thread

filetandrelease11/16/2009 12:49:45 pm PST

re: #112 _RememberTonyC

I tuned into Rush Limbaugh’s show for a few minutes today, and he said something I posted here over the weekend regarding the KSM trial in NYC. I posted that because the POTUS himself has said that waterboarding is torture, and KSM’s confession and guilty plea came after being waterboarded, there seems to be a chance that much of the evidence, including his confession could be considered inadmissable because it was admittedly obtained under torture. And if this comes to pass, the Judge may be forced to tell the jury that none of the incriminating material the government will use in its prosecution of KSM can be considered. And that COULD mean that KSM walks. And if KSM walks, I think a lot of people will blame Obama for allowing this trial to take place in a US court with all the rights of US citizens afforded to KSM. And if that happens, I cannot imagine how damaging that will be in future elections.

Possibly Obama’s worst move to date, although it is hard to judge.