
Video: Fox News Pimps Creationist Grievance-Mongering and Book-Banning

LotharBot4/09/2010 4:04:00 pm PDT

On the one hand, creationism is nuts and wrong.

On the other hand, is it really appropriate for a school textbook to specifically address the Bible, by name, using emotionally-loaded language? (Yes, I know, “myth” is the technically correct term, but it’s not a “neutral” term.) IMO, by doing so, they’ve empowered the nutjobs to say “see, it’s a religious war!”

Teach evolution. Teach it well. If you address creationism, it should only be to say that specific creationist theories (young earth; special creation of individual species) are not supported by the evidence. If your Biology textbook is making explicit references to the Bible (or other religious books, for that matter), you’ve made an error in judgment.

There are fantastic biology textbooks out there that address the topic of creationism in much better ways.