
Fox News Admits 'Breakdown' on Sherrod Story

Dark_Falcon7/29/2010 6:59:27 pm PDT

Here’s a very relevant story:

On WikiLeaks scandal, hacker says he didn’t want to be a ‘coward’

(CNN) — A California hacker said he doesn’t regret going to federal officials to show them alleged confessions an Army private made about leaking more than 90,000 documents that reveal secret information about U.S. war strategy.

Adrian Lamo spoke to CNN from the Sacramento Public Library, where he was trying to get away from reporters and a throng of people who, he said, are angry with him. He says he has received death threats in person and on his Facebook page and Twitter messages from people who feel like he betrayed Pfc. Bradley Manning.

“I went to the right authorities, because it seemed incomprehensible that someone could leak that massive amount of data and not have it endanger human life,” Lamo said. “If I had acted for my own comfort and convenience and sat on my hands with that information, and I had endangered national security … I would have been the worst kind of coward.”

Manning, a 22-year-old intelligence analyst based near Baghdad, Iraq, had top-secret security clearance to sensitive information about the war, officials have said. The U.S. military is holding Manning in a Kuwait jail, suspected in the leak of a helicopter gunship attack video from Iraq.

Military investigators also suspect he accessed a military classified internet and e-mail system to download tens of thousands of documents, according to a Pentagon official who did not want to be identified because of the ongoing criminal investigation of the soldier. The whistle-blower website posted more than 75,000 secret military documents on Sunday.

Daniel Ellsburg got away with leaking the Pentagon Papers, but Pfc Manning is going to prison. I hope he gets life.