
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Birth Control Works1/29/2009 8:02:15 am PST

re: #1146 subsailor68

It’s just a theory from my time in L.A. in the industry, but it may have to do with the “method” (made famous by Brando). The actor “becomes” the character, by accepting what the character “is”. Particularly in bio-pics, there is a danger of finishing the role completely tainted by the empathy used in developing the character.

Kind of explains Sean Penn in “I am Sam”.


As an Art Major myself, I understand that whole “living in a left brain” world concept. I think artists seem so many different “angles” on the world and life that they have a hard time accepting that there may actually be just one or two that work. Artists are also always looking for something “new” or “novel” to create. The old (think John McCain), just is too “not cool” for them to accept.