
What Violent Right Wing Rhetoric?

ClaudeMonet1/08/2011 11:50:02 pm PST

re: #824 elizajane

That’s a serious MBF attempt.
If I quoted every single time anybody used violent language and threats on the right-wing Yahoo threads, I’d be producing a bloody encyclopedia, not one single paragraph.

No kidding. It was a war zone in the Comments section that accompanied this story on Yahoo. The libs blamed the conservatives, the conservatives blamed the libs, everyone knew all the details of the shooter’s psyche before he’d even been identified. I’m not trying to invoke the MBF, but the liberals were just as hateful today as the far right folks are every day.

I tried to preach moderation and forestall the rush to judgment, even though I knew the effort was futile.

re: #843 Soap_Man

I still don’t think he cares as much as people think he does.

Many politicians are in this position. They are asked about something they either (a) don’t care about (b) do care and disagree with their base, but not enough to take a stand.

Whenever asked, Obama gives a half-hearted, stock Democrat answer. “I believe in common sense gun control” or something.

I doubt he gives a shit one way or the other. Or maybe he does, but doesn’t care enough to do anything about it.

1. He has bigger things with which to be concerned.
2. He’s from the inner city. He knows that if someone really wants a gun, that person will get one, legal or illegal. Tightening the legal availability of guns will only drive people to acquire them illegally, as with Prohibition.

re: #852 WindUpBird

I’m in oregon, I’m WAY comfortable with legit ownership. Many of my local friends own guns, hell, my friend from SF got to shoot for the first time, with her new boyfriend, who’s practically got an arsenal. And yes, all legal, and yes he votes democrat and is basically a big hippie. But big hippies in oregon? All have guns.

To protect the agricultural product?