
Podcast o' the Evening: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 8/25/15, Featuring Yours Truly

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/26/2015 9:55:18 pm PDT

Let’s be honest though regarding guns. Even when Democrats support gun ownership in many areas, they still get tarnished as “gun grabbers.” Creigh Deeds was every bit as supportive of gun ownership as Bob McDonnell was and how was he portrayed in the 2009 election here? As a gun grabber. And the polls do show that many Americans do support sensible gun policies i.e. background checks, having id to buy weapons, etc but the second the debate starts, the NRA/GOP get their money running and that loud minority who thinks that they should be able to own a bazooka gets out and votes in large numbers.