
Iran Goes Offline

SanFranciscoZionist12/28/2009 11:48:47 am PST

OT: We had an excellent showing in San Francisco yesterday at the counterprotest against the ‘memorial service’ for Operation Cast Lead. Reports were there were almost as many of us as of them. Lots of new people. Good energy.

Plus, I got to have a conversation with a man who wandered into our group to explain that neither we nor the Palestinians had a right to the land, since the original Israelites were black Africans (much like himself, oddly).

I still do not know what to do about people who drive up in SUVs with Palestinian flags waving out of all windows, encouraging their kids to wave flags too. My instinct is to simultaneously scream “Am Yisrael Chai!” at the parents and smile sweetly at the kids. This is hard to do with only one face.