
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/19/2010 10:22:45 pm PST

re: #1161 BryanS

Does health care have a compelling justification? If it does, why not housing? Why not food? Clothing? An internet connection? All these things are necessary to get by (arguably the internet is necessary to effectively thrive in today’s society, though many shockingly still do without)

Perhaps Health Care is different, if not by type then by quality. Health care practitioners, and their practices, are rationed by the government through the very tight regulation of qualifications, as well as being the single largest funder of the production of the practitioners.

While the government is (and has been for some time) involved in food, clothing, housing, and internet industries, in all of those cases there is much more freedom on the production side.