
Obama's In the House

CapeCoddah3/20/2010 7:04:49 pm PDT

re: #1154 Jimmah

Some people come in here and attack her repeatedly and then try to accuse her of being ‘abusive’ or some such nonsense. It’s so old - you’d think they’d realise this was a failed strategy by now.

I said to ice-ski recently offline that if I were a conservative posting on LGF, I’d expect to see better than this sort of nonsense from my political compatriots - ie proper debate, not stupid personal attacks. I’d be demanding it in fact. Kudos to you my friend for your decency.

One must wonder why more than one person would make that accusation. You can only brush that off so many times. Not everyone is blind.Lots of people do not want to see truths like that. I know, I lived it. I have disagreements politically with lots of folks here. No one else here has ever made me voice an opinion of that nature. And, I am not alone, as you point out.