
Will Obama Prosecute CIA Officials or Won't He?

Ben Hur4/22/2009 11:25:42 am PDT

The Narcissist in Chief

Charles Krauthammer may really be onto something here in understanding the un-American behavior of our own American president Barack Obama. (see video below)

Krauthammer points out the fact that, unlike most presidents, Barack Obama refuses to defend his own country against any attacks made on it by some of the most notorious thugs in the world.

Who could imagine President Reagan or either of the President Bushes not defending their country against the anti-American rantings of people like Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega?

Obama responded to Ortega’s recent anti-American diatribe with “I’m grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for the things that occurred when I was three months old.”

Krauthammer really nailed it when he asked, “Does the narcissism of this man know no bounds?”

Youtube Video