
Rick Perry: 1770 Boston Colonists Had to Walk Around in Disguise

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/27/2011 3:46:39 pm PDT

re: #112 Killgore Trout

Ugh, it sounds like they’re just going to make more chemicals to put in food.

Heh, cooking is chemistry!

Using various chemicals found in plants and animals to change the taste experience isn’t so new. Indeed, when I mix certain fruits of the Rosacea (such as apples or loquats) with chocolate it is to enhance the flavor experience of chocolate.

I think playing around with proteins holds great potential for gastronomic joy. The rise of “umami” as a legitimate flavor detected by the tongue is based on part to the discovery that the human tongue has glutamate receptors.

Remember, without chemicals life itself would be impossible.