
Ron Paul!

realwest4/15/2009 9:18:32 pm PDT

re: #943 Fat Bastard Vegetarian Thank you for that comment. And to all of you who said things in my support or dinged up FBV’s post: thank you.
My test results are SUPPOSED to be in sometime tomorrow morning. When they’ve been bad in the past (and candidly they have been getting worse over the past 15 months) I’ve had to wait until late afternoon before my oncologist would call me personally (a rare thing down here) to tell me the news. This time I told them I want the news, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, as soon as they get the results.
And I’ll deal with whatever the results are.
But I am truly humbled by the caring that many of y’all have shown me and thank Fat Bastard Vegetarian, again, for putting up that comment.
And all prayers or expressions of “good luck” or whatever are gratefully appreciated.
Thank all of you who cared enough to support FBV.