
Religious Right Craziness of the Day: Soon the Boy Scouts Will Have a Merit Badge for Cannibalism

Scottish Dragon8/19/2013 12:27:10 pm PDT

re: #49 Dr Lizardo

I’d say that explains a good deal of the batshittery we’ve seen from the hard right over the last few years. They’re unable to adapt to the sociocultural changes that are taking place, and they’re attempting to form a reactionary bulwark against it.

It’s not just in the US; you see it also in the UK, Russia, various places around the world.

Perpetual moral scold and very concerned person Rod Dreher is shocked! Shocked! to find that gay people will simply refuse to roll over and go back to being jailed and prosecuted by upstanding Christian District Attorneys…allowing for a couple of cute and funny drag queens who know their place and keep the tourists amused at Mardis Gras. I think he has had something like 8 or 9 posts on GLBT subjects just in the last week (The guy is a lot more occupied with my marriage then I am, fer frak’s sake).

Today, he is back in gloom mode and asking if the Benedictine Option (where presumably you pack up like those idiots from Arizona who tried to sail to the South Pacific) needs to be implemented and like minded fer real type Christians should go hide the kids away in a hut on a mountainside near Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

It always comes back to this: If you don’t let me persecute the fags, dykes and trannies…then YOU ARE PERSECUTING ME!

(Last week, he praised Vladimir Putin for defending Orthodox Christian values, but qualifies it as “a cheer and a half for Putin” instead of three cheers. Nuance, you see. Just like that guy who beats his wife and kids is a bit off-putting, but his family looks so nice in public!)