
Obama Prepares to Close Gitmo

lawhawk1/21/2009 10:09:04 am PST

Released where? Many of the countries that these detainees are citizens of do not want them back. China doesn’t want to take in the Uighurs. Others don’t want their terrorists back either. For all the talk about how Gitmo is a human rights blight on the US, consider that the detainees are treated far more humanely there than any of those terrorists deserve. Many have ended up back in the jihad.

These aren’t innocents that the US captured willy nilly. They were captured on battlefields where they were trying to kill Americans. They were captured because they were self-professed al Qaeda who sought to kill Americans.

But look and see how President Obama is now violating these terrorists rights by delaying their day in court. Obama is now calling for a 120 day delay so that he can review matters further. Had Bush done this, the ACLU and the media would be going crazy about how Bush is violating human rights, the US Constitution, and international law with such a directive. Here? Not so much.