
'Pro-Koln' Fascist Update - Day Two Another Bust

MacDuff5/09/2009 3:12:40 pm PDT

re: #116 SixDegrees

Perhaps that leader could start by saying what this threat, and the solution to it that requires so much courage, is.

With all due respect, your statement is somewhat astonishing. Churchill gave the “Gathering Storm” speech as a warning against the rise of Nazism in Europe. My reference to this prescient speech was that to our modern threat of Islamofascism as well as the equally repugnant and opportunistic reaction of Eurofascism.

Since, by and large, the world’s reaction to extremist factions within Islam has been appeasement and apologia and considering that an appreciable percentage of the world’s Muslim population is either extremist or supportive of the extremist factions; I consider radical Islam to be the threat of which I speak. Factoring in the continuous pursuit of nuclear weapons by said extremists, and the rabid anti-American sentiment within the factions, I would consider this to be a very serious threat to our national security and that of western civilization at large.

“Gathering Storm”? Yes, I believe it to be so. Courage needed? Yes, considering the “bend over and take it” approach that has been all too prevalent in western “leadership” circles and applauded in leftist media outlets.